E.Mi 의 벨벳샌드의 사용법과 간단한 살롱아트를 보여드리겠습니다.

영상에 사용된 네일재료는 검색창에서 번호나 제품명을 넣으시면 보실수 있습니다


※ Product

The materials used in the video is available simyeon put a number or name in the search box: D

'Secret Nail System' is a specialized company manufacturing and selling various Nail-related products.
Our company has excellent nail specialists who have long experience and innate sense when it comes to nails.
Our goods are also credited as having good quality around the world.
We have our own created brand which is 'Secret Star Girl' and distribute other brands like 'E.M.I' and 'Barbie'.
Our 'Secret Nail System' continues to approach you with excellent quality and honest marketing.
Materials used in the video you can see simyeon four days into the number or product name in the search box: D

Thank you
SECRET NAIL SYSTEM 是由韩国专业美甲人士组成的美甲品牌公司.
E.Mi,芭比 等等产品的销售,由此开发了自己的品牌SECRET STAR GIRL.开发了很多优秀的产品.
SECRET NAIL SYSTEM 秉承优秀的品质.正直的营销.去接近消费者们. 中文资讯处
